LDP Stead

A fun and capturing read!
My 8-year old daughter absolutely loves this Trilogy! The stories are fun and she especially likes all the different characters and their exciting adventures in space. The books are an easy read, and finally got my daughter interested in reading regularly. Highly recommended to everyone who likes Star Wars and adventure books.
-5 Star review on Amazon
Embrace this trilogy and travel free to the stars!
My son and I, read it every night and it transports us to the stars! Essential trilogy for all audiences.
-5 star review on Amazon
This is one of the best series of books I have ever read!
-Hugo aged 10

The Galaxy Voyage Trilogy
LDP Stead has produced a perfectly pitched space-fiction series for middle to upper primary-age readers: pacey, inventive and exciting with a compelling final plot twist!
Indeed the novels are shot through with the author's knowledge of the sci-fi canon, imbuing his imagined worlds with depth and richness and giving an epic feel to this micro-trilogy, and of course all those genre references will bring a wry smile to knowing parents and teachers!
The series would make an excellent addition to any school library, space-themed learning journey, reading scheme or targeted programme for reluctant boy readers...... or just a very cool bedtime story book!
-Jaime Crawford - Story-teller www.jamiecrawfordstorytelling.com